Monday, January 14, 2013

Improve Explosive Power, Train Your Muscles to Fire Faster

Train your muscles to fire faster and you will be a more explosive athlete. Get bigger, stronger, faster and more powerful. Explosive weight lifting will improve your power and set you apart from your athletic competitors.

Just as you can do medicine ball exercises, plyometric exercises and light dumbbell exercises explosively, you can also lift heavier weights explosively.

Lifting weights explosively is an advanced form of exercise and shouldn't be done by beginners or youngsters. Your body should have the needed stabilization and strength before beginning explosive lifts.

It doesn't help you improve as an athlete to continually get stronger if power development is not there also. Power, or speed strength (how fast your muscles can produce force) is one of the best physical predictors of success in sports.

Research has proven that only lifting heavy weights at a moderate or slow pace will not improve your explosive power.

Especially at the start of the lift, explosive lifting can be done for exercises like (5-6 repetitions):

--Bench press
--Shoulder press
--Leg press
--Hamstring curls
--Calf raises

....and also for bodyweight exercises, like (6-8 repetitions):

--Power step ups
--Bodyweight squats
--Inverted rows

......and medicine ball exercises, like (8-10 repetitions):

--Rotational exercises

Lift explosively, safely and improve your speed and power!

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Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
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