The positioning of your hips is critical when training for lateral speed and quickness. It is important for you to keep your hips at a constant level during all change-of-direction movements.
If your hips go up and down (or yo-yo) during change-of-direction movements, it will slow you down and the movements will not be efficient enough for you to succeed at a high level of play.
A good example would be the game-time actions of a cornerback in football. The cornerback is one of the most skilled players on the field. He must have great straight-ahead speed, lateral speed, quickness, agility and explosion. On a single play, he may have to backpedal, shuffle, carioca and turn and run while attempting to cover a speedy wide receiver. If this cornerback's hips are not kept at a constant level during all of these movements, he will not be successful (burnt toast would be an accurate description!)
You must possess a strong and powerful core, upper body and lower body to be able to keep the hips level during all movements.
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