Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hard Work Plus Athletic Skills Leads Mike to a Basketball Scholarship

Congratulations Michael Marquis Hardge! I'm glad I was there today to witness you signing a full basketball scholarship to attend Tarleton State University! Without your hard work and dedication on the court and in the classroom, this wouldn't have happened for you.....Of course, your family has always been there but many of us will continue to follow you and cheer you on. Georgetown High School will miss you for sure.

I had the pleasure of training you for a year. You hated the 100 degree heat during those training sessions but you always worked hard.

But, the real key is that you have played basketball all your life and you improved every year. Many practices, road trips, good food, bad food, injuries, blood, sweat and tears came your way....I saw some of them. I know this is just a step to help you succeed further in life.

Keep working hard to be the best student and ball player you can become. Trust me, it will be well worth it. We are proud of you!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES


  1. I'm a firm believer in hard work. It will get you where you want to go. Great work and keep up the work.

    1. Yes Peter, hard work helps you be the "best you." I have seen many talented players fall by the wayside for lack of discipline. Thanks for the visit!

  2. Congaradation to Mike and the whole Team Hardge camp.Great family,great young man and great job,way to seal the deal!
