Thursday, April 23, 2009

Preconditioning To Prevent Injuries, 3

I have established that preconditioning or "training to train" should be a major part of your training! Prevent or minimize your injury risk so you can stay on the field and compete! Coaches can't use you if you are always hurt!

Certain weight training exercises are good preconditioning exercises. They include:

1. Lunges (forward, reverse, lateral and transverse)
2. Step ups (front, lateral and transverse)
3. Shoulder exercises
4. Trunk exercises like planks, bridges and cobras
5. Hamstring exercises like glute/hamstring drops and hamstring curls
6. Pushups, Pullups and other back exercises
7. Bench Press
8. Squats (including single leg)

Many of these exercises can be done as bodyweight exercises.

These exercises should also emphasize concentric (force production), eccentric (force reduction) and isometric (force stabilization) contractions.

Eccentric contraction training of muscles can significantly reduce your injury risks. Eccentric muscle contraction weight training is the lowering phase of a lift. For example, you would lift the weight on a hamstring curl for one count and lower the weight for 3-4 counts.

Exercise smart and precondition your body!

Be sure and download your Free Dumbbell and Medicine Ball Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs

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